Essential Oils
Essential Oil Manufacturer
Essential oils are produced by hydrodistillation of the source plant. Steam is passed through the harvested plant and this strips out the volatile oil, which is carried by the steam into a condenser. The condensed steam forms water in a receiver and the essential oil rises to the surface where it is separated by physical means and dried.
It is vital that the whole process is controlled to ensure perfect quality and that this is backed up by thorough chemical, physical and organoleptic analyses of every batch to ensure the product is within specification.

English Essential Oils
We provide the technical expertise for production and we are the sole wholesale supplier of the English essential oils grown by our co-operative, including where required the REACH registrations. The oils include:
Kentish Lavender, supplying direct from the largest lavender farms in the UK.
English Lavender Maillette Oil, English Lavender Folgate Oil, English Lavender Oils from our own propagated varieties, following 15 years of research, English Lavandin Grosso Oil.
English Chamomile Oils
Hop Oils & Extracts
Other Essential Oils
Citrus Oils: Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Bergamot Oil FCR
Other popular oils and extracts: Clove Bud Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Bitter Almond Oil, Geranium Oil, Peppermint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Garlic & Onion Oils & Extracts, Rose Oil.

Some of our popular Essential Oils range:
Lavender Oil (English)
Lavandin Oil (English)
English Chamomile Oil (Roman)
Bergamot Oil
Geranium Oil (Egyptian)
Lemon Oil
Orange Oil
Clove Bud Oil